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Lauren Everett
Lauren Everett is a recent graduate of Valdosta State University, in the small town of Valdosta, Georgia. Everett holds her degree in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations, she also has a minor in African-American studies.
Born in Decatur, Georgia in March of 1994, Everett has been a Georgia resident all her life. Before graduating from Tucker High School in 2012, she found her voice and love of writing. She was a contributing writer and editor of her high school newspaper. Carrying that hobby well into college, Everett became a member of Her Campus Valdosta, a well decorated and active organization on the campus of VSU. Serving on the executive board all 4- years of college, she eventually became President her senior year. Everett used the experience to land a journalism internship with a local magazine in the Atlanta area, RYSE.
What started as a 3-month internship, expanded to 3- years! From interviewing, cultivating and executing print and digital editorial pieces, she has had the pleasure of talking to some big names locally and beyond, one being NBA-retiree and businessman John Salley. Through networking and a go-getter attitude, Everett managed to land another internship before the end of her college career. This time with a boutique public relations agency in Atlanta, Tamika Morrison PR. Here she managed to network and secure placement for various clients in national and local publications such as the Atlanta-Journal Constitution.

The fast-paced environment and glamour of entertainment PR sparked up a genuine interest in Everett. However, staying true to her love of making a change has led her to work within the area of politics. After graduation, Everett seeks to attain her Master’s degree in Political Science with the hopes of working with local grassroots politicians to implement effective change within her community, and beyond. 

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