Click Over


TITLE: It Pays To Look Both Ways
CLIENT: Valdosta State University

Fade In:
We see a sunny day— Valdosta State University

Cut To:
WS from the intersection of Baytree Rd. and N. Patterson Street.

Zoom In: to Turn Right On Red sign at the traffic light at the corner of the intersection.

Cut To:
James is walking at a fast pace from his apartment on Baytree Rd., running a little late to his 11:00 am lecture.

Cut To:
Close Up of James’ Phone. While walking and texting, James begins to walk with a group of other students looking to cross the street.

Cut To:
MS of street light abruptly turns green.

Close-up of the illuminated pedestrian crossing sign on a traffic light.

Cut To:
Anxiously, James steps off the curb and instantly jumps back on to the sidewalk as a car zooms by.

Cut To:
Close Up of shattered iPhone screen in the street right before James’ eyes.

ANNOUNCER: “It pays to look both ways before you cross the street!”

SFX: moderate traffic in the background: cars passing by, students talking amongst themselves while walking down the street, lawn mowers and maintenance tending to the greenery on campus.

JAMES: (thinking to himself) “If I’m late again I may have to drop this class, so much for graduating on time.”

Two girls walking within earshot distance to James

GIRL 1: “There have been so many accidents lately with people getting hit by cars, I don’t know why the school hasn’t done anything!”

GIRL 2: “I know right, but what can they do?? Can’t lie, I may just walk out into the street one day… I need someone to pay my tuition.”

GIRL 1: “Yea, that’s if you even make it off the ground!”

SFX: More chatter of students at the corner just about to cross the street.


SFX: Sound of cursing and yelling ensues from students.

SFX: Tire screech and zoom sound can be heard fading down the street.

JAMES: (internally) I’m going back home man, I’ll just try this all again tomorrow.

GIRL 2 to GIRL 1: “He was so close to that check, and now he has to spend money. What a shame.”

Dissolve To:
A shot of James and the student's bewildered faces as the rest of the crowd begins to cross the street. 
          FADE OUT:    TRT = 00:00:30:00

TITLE: From South Georgia to South Africa
CLIENT: Hopper

Music– Fade In: Robert Glasper Instrumental in full, fades to back.












This episode is brought to you by Hopper, your one stop shop for when to fly and buy. Hopper helps you keep track of flight information from various sources so you can get the best deal on your next vacation flight. Download the app on Google Play or the App Store.

From getting my passport to booking flight and hotels, to making sure all my coins were together. Planning my first international trip was no easy feat but it was all worth it and I’m here to tell you why and how to make it happen!

First off, do you have the time? Lucky for me I had a little over a week carved out my schedule thanks to spring break. No matter where I decided to go I knew I would have a little bit of time to actually enjoy it. And that segways into my next question… wherein the world do you want to go?

Some people have dream sheets, others have bucket lists, and others just want to go anywhere. All of those methods of aspiration are fine as long as you have an idea and stick to it! I’ve always wanted to go to Africa. I didn’t know what part I wanted to visit first, but just making it there meant the world to me. Cape Town, South Africa stood out as a starting point because of the culture, people, and season. November to March is the summer season in South Africa and the winter time here in America, so why not go where the sun keeps shining?

Now that I knew where I was going there were some technical things I had to get out of the way. This involved research. I know, the dreaded R word for students. Without it, I’m sure I would have missed, forgotten or completely overlooked some important aspects of my trip.

First, you need a passport. Anytime you leave the country and want to come back… that little blue book is crucial. Coincidentally I had my passport months before I even planned my trip but you need at least two months prior to your trip to get your passport. Schedule an appointment at your local post office. Bring a suitable picture and your required documents and get the ball rolling. My passport costs a little over $100 American dollars and took the entire 6 weeks to be mailed to me. Of course, if you’re a procrastinator you can fast-track the process— with a little more money.

My research also reminded me to make sure I had all the proper shots and vaccines before traveling abroad. If you’re in school like I am, more often than not you have all the shots you need just for being there. Check in with your school and health services to make sure you are up to date before traveling.

With South Africa in particular, checking their recent news and trending topics let me know they are in a serious water crisis. Although I didn’t know what to fully expect until I arrived, it was safe to assume that I as well as everyone else would need to be more cognizant of their water usage. That was right up my alley and not a deciding factor when choosing my destination. If things like that impede on your travel than looking into current events of the places you’re traveling too should be at the top of your list. If you’re in to know the social, cultural, economic and political climate of the places you’re traveling to a little reading wouldn’t hurt either. Plus, it gives you something to talk about with your Uber driver!

Destination, check. Passport, check. Vaccines/shots, check. Now that those things are out of the way, here comes the fun… or not so fun part. How am I getting there and where am I going to lay my head!? One of the most important parts of a trip to me is where I am staying. Whether it be an Air B&B, hotel, friend’s house… it doesn’t matter as long as it’s suitable to my standards. This is my first time traveling outside of the United States, I owed it to myself to really do it up. You would think I went all the way out of my way to find a hotel but a quick Google search led me to my top three choices!

Google is a savior for literally everything I must admit. I simply typed in ‘hotels in Cape Town, South Africa’ and tweaked the filters a little. I wanted something with ratings of 4 stars or higher. I also wanted a place that was a little more local and homey compared to a large chain hotel that I could find here in the states. REVIEWS, REVIEWS, REVIEWS. I spent most of my time sifting through reviews and pictures of a few places that caught my eye. I made a top three list and dug a little deeper, into the price tag for the week that is. Back to Google being a savior, Google currency exchange came in rather handy when trying to do the math on the hotel bill.

Speaking of money, did you come up with a budget for your trip already? If not, pause this episode and ponder on what your pockets can handle! I guess I should have mentioned that a little while ago huh? There’s no time like the present though so let’s get to it!

*For the love of money plays in the background*

How much do you have saved up already? What is the maximum amount of money you want to spend when you get there? Are you going alone or with a group of friends? And does that answer change your budget at all? Take all these questions into consideration when planning your trip as well as the exchange rate because that could make all the difference. The hotel/home I decided on was owned by a couple in one of the surrounding neighborhoods of Cape Town, Hout Bay. The pictures and reviews of this place were amazing and plus it was close enough to the city but far enough away that I could relax at the same time. I made up in my mind before traveling that the max I would spend on lodging would not exceed $1,000 US dollars. Coincidentally, to stay at the Hideaway I chose only cost a little over $700 dollars. You know what that means… more money to spend on something else!

We used Hopper to keep an eye out on flights within the price range as well. This can be a little tricky as it’s a waiting game and patience is always key. Start looking for flights months in advance and use multiple platforms if you have to. There are plenty of sites and even social media pages that alert you when tickets have dropped, there’s a glitch on a website or a flight line has made a mistake on their site they must honor. If you see an open window of financial opportunity, JUMP THROUGH IT!

On top of the other things we’ve already checked off now, you can add hotel and plane ticket to the list! Those are huge accomplishments and should be celebrated over a glass of wine or two while you shop for the perfect vacation outfits online.

Once all the major aspects of my vacation were planned and secured that fun part really began. What am I going to wear and what am I going to do when I get there!? Food, sights, and clothes are huge for me and things I look forward to every day, especially the food. Surprisingly while in Cape Town I ate a lot of Greek food. Cape Town is a very Eurocentric city, but thanks to my research that came as no surprise to me once I landed. While shopping for clothes, I’m sure I checked the weather in Cape Town a couple times a week before I even got there. Luckily, around the same time, I was planning to travel all of my favorite websites were having sales on clothes. The budgeter in me knew I could pair things I already had in my closet with new finds, thus saving more money. One thing I knew I needed was a little space in my suitcase for things I wanted to bring back! Don’t forget that you may spend money there, so don’t try to spend it all in one place.

It’s travel day!!! I have my neck pillow, headphones, melatonin for the 20+ hour flight, travel-sized hygiene items for the layover… because who wants bad breath for that long. I’ve arranged a car to pick me up at the airport and I even have a short list of things to do while I’m there.

A few things to remember no matter where you travel. Plans can alter, the weather changes and your perspective can shift as soon as you arrive at your destination. Be open and responsive to those changes and adapt. Once I got to Cape Town, I was blown away. Everything was so green, we drove on the opposite side of the street, and the money was even beautiful to look at once I exchanged it at the airport. I talk to the locals to get a better idea of where to go, what to try and see. That pretty much trumped my tourist list and made my experience better than it would have been.

Of course, planning our certain aspects ahead of time was in my best interest and it’s in yours as well but always expect the unknown and embracing it sometimes isn’t a bad idea either.

Safe and happy planning, travels and memories everyone. Peace!

            TRT = 00:03:00:00

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